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White Ninja Comics




Friday, August 23, 2002
Fuck shit piss. Okay, I have no idea what I've done with the comment box. I think I've put in two different codes in different areas. FUCK. Dudes, tell me which one to cut out, already!

Meanwhile, good day so far. I bought Harpers, London Vogue, and oyster for work tomorrow. Kinda embarrassing, as oyster looks like gayporn. I think the newscounterchick gave me odd looks. Whatever. Looks like I'll be getting a lot of work done. Not. Well, I also purchased a visual diary so I can do my cunting brain diagrams, but as if that'll ever happen.

Currently waiting on cunting Cheekbones to ring me about dinner tonight. Which he won't. Hmmph stupid git. It's all Tom's fault! He hates me! I didn't do anything to him. Well, I guess I was kinda flirting with his boyfriend, but not really. As if I would try anything though, because ew. Heinous. I just wanted to see if he would flirt back. Is that so bad?!?!!? Plus, the whole drunk thing. I just wish Cheekbones would actually want to be with me on a more regular basis, but with Tom being an ass that is inhibited. Stupid Tom. Die. I hope your stupid tonsilitis IS gonorrhea, and you require a headectomy. Assface.

If dinner tonight doesn't happen, I'll have to go to cunting drinks with my friends who are being annoying. We are all having issues as one of my friends is shagging another's little brother. I don't really care, but everyone else is freakin'. Yawn. Could I care less? Hello, noone cares about MY lovelife? Stupid friends. Hmmph.
