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Thursday, October 04, 2007
Salut bitches, I'm back! I'm a little wiser, a little older, a little more mature, a little richer, a little browner, a little blonder, harder, better, faster, stronger, etc.; a little more ready in general. This is IT people. My year of change! January is so not the start of the year, by the way. Obviously the beginning of the year is at one's birthday (particularly if one is a quarter of a century old).

So yes. I had a good time. I lay about for the most of it doing nothing in the sun, as water gently lapped at my ankles. I read four books! I got a bit of a tan. As there was a distinct lack of any random people, I was allowed to fully release my inner fag, and I managed to squeeze into some fairly minute dick togs that would otherwise be highly obscene. Tan line ahoy! For my birthday dinner I went to a "haute cuisine" type place (well, as "haute" as restaurant can be when it is associated with such labels as "haute cuisine") where the bill was monstrous, where I drank Veuve Clicquot Rosé, and where I ate things that were "truffled" that normally should not, and had a dessert that contained a home-made strawberry roll-up. It was jolly fun. Cap Guy gave me more Louis Vuitton, so I look even more like a Japanese tourist (but don't worry, he wasn't too generous: this present only came in that small rectangular carry-bag). I also have a new bad-ass camera. But my mobile phone is dying, so it's sort of, like, balanced out.

So yes. I'm still cruising on a post-birthday high. One thing is troubling me though: my eyes. I mean, my eyesight is okay, I guess. But I've started to notice that they are changing shape. Like, they used to be kinda weird looking and snake-ish (especially if I were smiling, ugh), but now they are widening to a more almond shape. Which in itself isn't so bad I suppose. But the colour is changing too! They used to be a nice green, and now I think that they are turning into a horrid, common blue! So now I'm obsessed with my eye colour and am frequently checking the mirror in case it's just my tan or hair colour that is affecting my perception. Sigh. I really need to reread The Bluest Eye and remind myself that having blue eyes cements me as part of the superior class and I shouldn't worry so much.
