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Thursday, November 01, 2007
Okay, getting used to my hair. I look a bit like Neil from So You Think You Can Dance?... but I can live with that. I mean, he's more poofy than me as he's a dancer and all, and his name is Neil, for fuck's sake, but still. I would be willing to look beyond that if he wanted to do some of that prancing and bending-and-snap!ing naked in front of me. And I have my suspicions that he isn't a natural blond, so nakedness would be a good way to check his... naturalness. Although as he is likely a fudge-packing (or fudge-packed, more likely) queen, I'm sure he shaves... down there, within a semi-inch of its life. Not that that isn't entirely unattractive. I'm finding shaved man-bushes quite erotic at the moment. Not BALD. I will repeat: I am NOT a paedophile! I do not enjoy "Christmas Cake". But don't you think there is something appealingly slutty about a well-trimmed, almost over-groomed man-bush?
